
Best Work Dream EVER

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My Dream Last Night:
The Best Work Related Dream EVER

The setting, I have a presentation to my peers, the pressure is high, everything is going crazy, and I am 5 minutes late. My job might be gone forever... so what do I do?

I turn the knob and then think, "Screw it, how much worse can things get?" I kick the door open, everyone stares at me. I reach into my coat pocket and produce my hand index finger pointing, thumb curved, the rest clenched around an invisible gun. My left hand goes into my pocket as I "dive" (bend sideways while walking) simulating something out of a John Woo film. "ba-dum, ba-dum, ba-dum" As my imaginary bullets hit three people on the left side of the small half circle auditorium.

Most people just stare blankly, most have no idea what is going, but I see it, one guy in the center gets it. I see his hand form a gun and my confidence builds.

My left hand throws something in a wide arch sideways, I make a stop signal with my hands and nod to people as I make a "woosh woosh woosh woosh" sound and spin my fingers around and around, then point to the first person the spinning blade decapitates making a gargling sound, then spin my finger to the next person then the next person then zip through the full first row. The guy with the imaginary gun is vanquished and actually plays along with his desk.

I return to gunning more people on the left side of the auditorium. My boss tries to ask me what the hell I am doing, after recovering from the initial shock, I shush her and target someone else across the room firing a machine gun at me. Two more with guns appear across the room prompting me to spin pulling a second gun out of my coat and hitting both cross armed.

Most people are looking for acceptance from my boss, as I dive behind a desk. "It doesn't have to be this way!" I yell out in her direction.

There is a pause, my pulse is racing and everything is on the line.

"Get him!", she yells as every business person in the room erupts from their seat, their target: me, and I am not going down. After all, I am the hero. I grab a new gun off a desk from the initial carnage. It is an SMG and perfect for what I am about to do, I spin grabbing the dead guy at the first seat, top row, letting my SMG do the talking as I mow down everyone, using the still standing and dying including those tall people in the second row as protection. My human shield plays along and takes several bullets.

My SMG clicks and I throw it at someone firing a rifle at me, he dodges, but catches a quick pistol shot to the head. There is some giggling from those around him. I roll over into the second row simulating slow motion and grabbing two weapons from the counter. I hold out my hands in a "stop for one second" motion, and not everyone stops but most do, and I slowly rise, hands in the form of doves rising all around me. Several people crack up laughing at the reference. I count down from three with my left hand as my right cocks the shotgun I picked up.

It was kind of too fast for the people around me to act, some where still laughing, but my shotgun and SMG rounds tore through the remaining business people on the left side of the auditorium. The people on the right though, they were not moving around, hiding behind desk, protruding much stronger weapons, and some even had RPGs prepped at this point.

I roll over the desk and jump over the bottom row over turning the section for cover as an RPG rips through the alleyway as shown by me stopping the action for a second and showing the huge plume of the explosive force ripping through the desk and sending me flying across the room towards the people on the right.

Laying still a second a few people drop their guard and I roll over baring two pistols and fire, in slow-mo. At this point people get it and respond to my fire in slow-mo. I point out when bullets barely miss me, one even grazes my shoulder and another hits my leg.

Priority targets are selected, and others are dodged or their guns knocked away for a bit. One person's gun was slapped away towards someone else with a rocket launcher, pegging them in the gut.

After a short but crazy ride I was hit in the shoulder and had to hide behind a desk. Three people remained on the left side of the auditorium. One guy with a pistol, one with a rifle and one with what seemed to be a grenade launcher.

"Give up already!", one of them yelled out amongst the "dead" spectators.

I took a deep breath reloaded one gun, and pulled another SMG off a desk. The three attackers sent their guy with the pistol to flank me. That is when I resorted to something desperate.

I ran and grabbed the boss. Spun her to face the two guys with heavy weapons and shot the guy with the pistol in the chest. The guy with the rifle wouldn't fire at the boss nor point his weapon at her. The grenade guy gave it some though and took aim. There was a lot of laughing in the crowd and my boss seemed upset by this betrayal. I, gently, pushed her and dove in slow motion as the grenade utterly destroyed the podium sending me flying against and through the door I entered in.

Everyone looked up, I hit the door pretty hard, but the show had to finish!

I waited just long enough for people to wonder what was going on, the two guys were still there standing tall as I bust through the door and fired to quick shots through their heads ending it.

Or did I? I went up to the center of the room and introduced myself to the now deceased audience when I heard a "click" followed by a "bang". I fell to the floor. Their was applauding all around, for my boss who then pretended to step and pose over my dead corpse.

Some guy helped me up and told me, "that was awesome!".

Then the second part of the dream began...

But that isn't worth telling.
I had this dream last night, and HAD to write it down. There are parts I added because I didn't remember every little detail, but all but the small jumps from moment to moment were the only things added, and the overall elements that made up the dream are all there... Seriously, it was freaking awesome and very telling of where I am in life. At least to me.
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